Why we use linux

I just saw an image the other day, and figured I had to make a quick post about it(Sorry, do not know the credits for it):

This is why we use Linux

So true









I don’t know about others, but I sure recognize my self in this…

Social Gaming

Yeah, not really an gaming on Linux post, but more a spam my project post. Anyway, I have long been a gamer, though never on a PC (even though my current computer is pretty high spec’d). For the most part I play on consoles, more specifically on Playstation 3. I have also long been a member of a small, but social clan, which is really what I love about this online world. Read more of this post

Fedora 15 XFCE Spin

After using Xubuntu for a while, I noticed some hardware issues with my wireless keyboard and mouse. Mostly, it would not recognize keystrokes and mouse clicks. Annyoing as this was, I decided to jump to another distribution, thinking it was a (X)ubuntu problem. As Fedora 15 just had released, and I have not had a go at it since 8, I figured it was probably the best bet (also because I could not really connect to my wireless network using Arch Linux, which was my number 1 choice).

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