Getting ready to reinstall Windows 7

I recently discovered I had some issues on my Windows box, which is currently my most used box. For the most part there are small issues, like a software crash here and there. But I recently got an undefined Windows message (“Preparing security options”) and I tried to research it, and my results were undefined. That, combined with Chrome coming out in 64 bits (meaning I could drop 32 bit Java completely), I decided it was time, after more than 2 years of not reformatting my box at all (which is a personal best for me, I usually end up having to do this once per year).

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Why I dislike Windows users

Been a while since I last post, as I have (and I am a bit ashamed of it) reverted to using Windows on my home computer. The reason is very simple, I’ve started gaming on my PC, and Linux just doesn’t cut it, IMO, at least not for the titles I have played. Anyway, I have gone through a few issues, and as an avid linux user I pretty much know that each problem is just a short Google away…

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