Why I want / won’t to jump to Sabayon

I have been using Xubuntu 10.10 recently, mostly because Arch Linux absolutely refuses to connect through wireless on install CD through cli. So I have been feeling the itch to switch it up, mostly because my wireless card is so unstable in Xubuntu right now (constant time outs is annoying). So I downloaded the live DVD of Sabayon XFCE, and gave it a spin.  Read more of this post

Jump 01

I have been using Linux at my home computer for a while now, ever since Ubuntu 7.04 (or Feisty). However, randomly I feel that something is wrong with my desktop, and I make the jump to another distro, usually at random.

For the most part I jump between the largest, usually I prefer debian based distro’s as I know where to find stuff there. So for the past year I have been using Ubuntu, and have been happy about that. But the other day the bug bit me again, when my graphic card suddenly reverted to to the built in. While this was due to the fact that one of the connectors to the PSU was loose, I still saw it as a reason to switch. Read more of this post